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Search results for beta,433 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,433
Translated headword: council, senate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An order/rank among Romans.[1]
"Antonius Saturninus, infamous and despicable, was enrolled in the senate under Vespasian, Vespasian having contrived this as the best of jokes: for granting him this prize which, while profitless, was nevertheless something to be revered, he enveloped him with wicked esteem."[2]
Greek Original:*boulh/: ta/cis para\ *(rwmai/ois. *)antw/nios *satorni=nos e)pi/rrhtos kai\ bdeluro\s para\ *ou)espesianou= e)s th\n boulh\n e)negra/fh, *ou)espesianou= sofisame/nou geloio/tata tou=to: a)ciw/sei ga\r au)to\n perie/bale kaki/a| dou\s a)kerde\s me\n, semno\n de\ o(/mws to/de a)=qlon.
[1] Here as often elsewhere, the Greek noun
boulh/ stands for Latin
Aelian fr. 115a Domingo-Forasté (112 Hercher); cf.
alpha 2762 (end) and
alpha 2830. For L. Antonius Saturninus and this episode see R.
Syme, "Antonius Saturninus",
JRS 68 (1978) 12-21; R.J.A. Talbert,
The Senate of Imperial Rome (Princeton 1984) 86 n.44.
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 June 2002@22:44:37.
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