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Search results for beta,388 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,388
Translated headword: arable lands
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "And with some set aside for arable lands, but the others -- the king's -- divided off with fences."
Crito [writes this] in the
Greek Original:*bowti/ais: kai/ tinwn bowti/ais e)festw/twn, tw=n de\ a)/llwn tw=n peri\ basile/a toi=s e)ru/masi nenemhme/nwn. *kri/twn e)n toi=s *getikoi=s.
The headword (otherwise unattested) is dative plural, evidently from the quotation which follows.
Crito FGrH 200 F5; cf.
epsilon 1235, and see generally (on this author) the note at
kappa 2453.
Keywords: agriculture; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 April 2002@11:45:09.
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