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Search results for beta,376 in Adler number:
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Headword: *bombulio/s
Adler number: beta,376
Translated headword: bumble[bee]
Vetting Status: high
A type of bee. And it is said [as a derivation] from bombein ["to bumble"]. And [there is] a proverb: "bumblebee fellow", in reference to one who is ineffectual, insofar as the bumblebee is a type of bee which moulds its honeycombs out of clay.[1]
Greek Original:
*bombulio/s: ei)=dos meli/sshs. kai\ ei)/rhtai para\ to\ bombei=n. kai\ paroimi/a: *bombulio\s a)/nqrwpos, e)pi\ tou= a)ka/rpou, paro/son kai\ bombulio/s e)sti meli/sshs ei)=dos, e)k phlou= plattou/shs ta\ khri/a.
See also beta 375.
[1] cf. Zenobius 2.80 (explaining that this species "bears no fruit").
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; imagery; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 April 2002@11:27:30.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keyword) on 21 April 2002@06:16:54.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 31 May 2012@07:48:38.


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