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Search results for beta,375 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,375
Translated headword: bumblebee, buzzing-insect
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An animal,[1] or the so-called besion. And a kind of bee, [sc. so called] from its buzzing [bombein]. It makes its combs from mud.[2]
The bombulios is an animal very much like the bee, named from the buzzing sound which it makes.[3]
Greek Original:*bombulio/s: zw=|on, h)\ to\ bhsi/on lego/menon. kai\ ei)=dos meli/sshs, para\ to\ bombei=n. e)k phlou= ta\ khri/a plattou/shs. *bombulio/s zw=|o/n e)sti paraplh/sion meli/tth|, w)nomasme/non a)po\ tou= bo/mbou, o(\n e)kei=no bombei=.
LSJ entry at web address 1.
[1] cf.
Deipnosophists 11.784D (11.29 Kaibel) -- an addendum to the presentation of a bombylios as a Rhodian "gurgling" cup.
[2] Again
beta 376.
[3] From Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v., where
Isocrates 10.12 is cited.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 January 2002@01:01:58.
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