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Headword: *blima/zein
Adler number: beta,341
Translated headword: to handle, to squeeze; to attempt
Vetting Status: high
Properly [this means] to touch the paunch and breast; which those buying birds used to do; like to press [qlima/zein]. But others [say that] "handling" [blima/zontes] stands for maltreating. For they pluck and eat [them].[1]
"To squeeze" [blima/zein] [sc. means] to press with the hands. And to press honeycombs is said [to be] "to squeeze" [bli/sai].[2]
Also [sc. attested is the participle] blima/zwn ["squeezing"], [meaning he] distilling the honey from the comb.[3]
Also [sc. attested is] blima/ttomen, [meaning] we test, we are keen on.[4]
Greek Original:
*blima/zein: kuri/ws to\ tou= u(pogastri/ou kai\ tou= sth/qous a(/ptesqai: o(/per e)poi/oun oi( ta\s o)/rniqas w)nou/menoi: oi(onei\ qlima/zein. oi( de\ blima/zontes, a)nti\ tou= kakou=ntes. a)poti/llousi ga\r kai\ katesqi/ousi. *blima/zein, to\ tai=s xersi\ diaqli/bein. kai\ to\ ta\ khri/a qli/yai bli/sai le/getai. kai\ *blima/zwn, a)posta/zwn to\ me/li tou= khri/ou. kai\ *blima/ttomen, yhlafw=men, e)piqumou=men.
cf. alpha 3319, delta 566, theta 390.
[1] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 530, where "handling" appears.
[2] From Harpokration (and Photius) s.v.
[3] Evidently quoted from somewhere but attested only in lexica.
[4] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Lysistrata 1164, where a variant of this verb appears.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 April 2002@22:14:28.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 18 April 2002@04:13:42.
David Whitehead (x-refs; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 July 2011@09:02:00.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 29 May 2012@05:52:54.
Catharine Roth (more betacode) on 23 June 2012@23:56:39.
David Whitehead on 26 August 2015@08:34:24.


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