*blh/xwn: h( glh/xwn. ou(/tws le/getai para\ *)attikoi=s. e)/sti de\ ei)=dos bota/nhs. kai\ to\ e)fh/baion *)aristofa/nhs ou(/tws o)noma/zei.
See also
beta 339.
blh/xwn is the Attic form, while
glh/xwn is the Ionic (and
gla/xwn the Doric); cf.
gamma 287.
[2] Pennyroyal, a plant of the mint family (
Mentha pulegium), is native to most parts of Europe and has slightly hairy oval-shaped leaves and whorled clusters of deep purple or lilac blue colored flowers. It was esteemed by
Pliny and other ancient writers for its powers of purification.
Lysistrata 89 (web address 1 below). See generally J. Henderson,
The Maculate Muse (New Haven 1975) 135 #129: 'pennyroyal is used jokingly by Lysistrata to refer to the Boeotian girl's neatly depilated
campus muliebris, with a clever reference to the smooth, fertile plains of that region'.
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