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Search results for beta,293 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,293
Translated headword: life
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Sometimes [it means] the substance of one's possessions,[1] sometimes the act of living itself.[2]
And [there is] a proverb: "a ready-kneaded life," in reference to those who are living prosperously in an extravagant and sweet life.
And [there is] a[nother] proverb: "a civilized[3] life," in reference those who are living in an abundance of the necessities.[4]
Greek Original:*bi/os: pote\ me\n h( ou)si/a tw=n kthma/twn, pote\ de\ au)to\ to\ zh=n. kai\ paroimi/a: *bi/on memagme/non, e)pi\ tw=n eu)daimonizo/ntwn e)pi\ polutelei= kai\ h(dei= bi/w|. kai\ paroimi/a: *bi/on a)lhlesme/non, e)pi\ tw=n e)n a)fqoni/a| tw=n e)pithdei/wn o)/ntwn.
beta 292, referring to different meanings of
[1] cf. English "livelihood."
Artemidorus 4.32.
[3] Literally "ground, milled": living on cooked bread, not raw fruits.
Zenobius 1.21 (for both of these proverbs) and other paroemiographers; cf.
beta 295 (and
alpha 1183).
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; imagery; proverbs
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 15 October 2002@16:29:30.
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