Suda On Line
Search results for beta,270 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,270
Translated headword: Bias of Priene's justice
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man [was] one of the Seven Sages. He is said to have been very clever at speaking in lawsuits; however, he used the power of his words for good.
Hipponax [writes]: "to litigate more powerfully than
Bias of
Greek Original:*bi/antos *prihne/ws di/kh: ou(=tos ei(=s tw=n e(pta\ sofw=n. le/getai de\ ei)s ta\s di/kas deino/tatos gegone/nai ei)pei=n: e)p' a)gaqw=| me/ntoi th=| tw=n lo/gwn i)sxu/i+ e)xrh=to. *(ippw/nac: dika/zesqai *bi/antos tou= *prihne/ws krei/sswn.
Bias was a famous judge in the Ionian city of
Priene, c.570 BCE. See the detailed account in
Diogenes Laertius 1.82-88 and more briefly
Strabo 14.1.12.
The point of the quotation from
Hipponax (an Ionian poet and
Bias' contemporary) is that
Bias was the standard for powerful forensic speaking.
Hipponax fr. 79 Bergk; again at
delta 1055.
OCD(4) s.v. 'Hipponax' (p.689) and 'Seven Sages' (p.1357)
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; geography; law; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: Susan Shapiro on 9 July 1999@14:10:11.
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