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Search results for beta,268 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,268
Translated headword: force
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] impetus, strength.[1]
"And he by the force of his body pushes the gates inwards."[2]
Greek Original:*bi/a: h( o(rmh\, h( r(u/mh. o( de\ th=| bi/a| tou= sw/matos e)cwqei= ta\s pu/las e)s to\ e)/sw.
[1] Different glossing, though on the same substantive lines, in
Hesychius (beta589).
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; definition; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 21 June 2003@13:33:11.
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