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Adler number: beta,263
Translated headword: Verina
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Verina,[1] wife of Leo the Great,[2] there were two monuments, one to the northernmost side of saint Agathonicus behind the entry to the staircase, the other in the direction of saint Barbara. And the one near saint Agathonicus was made while Leo was still alive, but the other after his death, when she crowned Basiliscus her brother,[3] her son-in-law[4] being in exile.
Greek Original:*bhri/nh. *bhri/nhs, th=s gunaiko\s tou= mega/lou *le/ontos, du/o sth=lai h)=san, mi/a me\n boreiota/th tou= a(gi/ou *)agaqoni/kou meta\ th\n a)/nodon tw=n a)nabaqmw=n, e(te/ra de\ kata\ to\ me/ros th=s a(gi/as *barba/ras. kai\ h( me\n tou= a(gi/ou *)agaqoni/kou ge/gonen e)/ti zw=ntos tou= *le/ontos, h( de\ a)/llh meta\ th\n teleuth\n au)tou=, h(ni/ka *basili/skon to\n a)delfo\n au)th=s e)/steye, fugo/ntos *zh/nwnos tou= gambrou= au)th=s.
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.25 (Preger (ed.),
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 37).
[1] Aelia Verina: see already under
beta 163.
DIR entry by Geoffrey Greatrex at web address 1.
[2] Leo I (ruled 457-474).
[3] Better: "when Basilicus her brother was crowned." According to Gregory (below), p. 2160, "After Leo's death in Jan. 474, Verina expected to rule as the grandmother of the minor Leo II, while
Zeno, the husband of Ariadne and father of Leo II, was proclaimed emperor. Leo II, however, died in Nov. 474, and Verina, disappointed in her expectations, began to intrigue against
Zeno. She wanted to replace him with her paramour, the magister officiorum Patrikios, whom she planned to marry. She sought assistance from her brother Basiliskos, but he deceived her, received the crown himself, and executed Patrikios. Verina then conspired for the return of
Zeno (476)." See also Bury, pp. 389-398.
Zeno (
zeta 83,
zeta 84).
J.B. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 1, pp. 389-398
T.E. Gregory, "Verina (Berine)," in Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, vol. 3, p. 2160
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: art history; biography; Christianity; chronology; historiography; history; women
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 21 June 2003@12:26:48.
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