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Adler number: beta,246
Translated headword: Vespasianos, Vespasianus, Vespasian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Emperor of the Romans. This man was so gentle and kindly that he did not punish offences even against himself and his imperial authority more severely than by exile. He quickly shook off hatreds and personality conflicts, and he bore lightly and calmly the jokes aimed at him by the orators, by whom he was rejected, and the common people. In social relationships he had the common touch and avoided the palace for the most part.[1]
This man was worthy to be compared with the best kings/emperors of any time. He also made his private life renowned with many great accomplishments. Serving under the emperor Claudius as general against the Germans and Britons[2] he withstood the enemy in 30 great battles. When he attained the supreme power, he managed his rule with moderation and restraint, though seeming greedy for money, but not so much so as to deprive anyone of his property unjustly. And he used his wealth not for pleasure but for the public need. So one would not find another emperor who was either more liberal [in expenditure] or who examined in regard to both fairness and justice his liberality towards gift-giving.[3]
Greek Original:*bespasiano/s, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn. ou(=tos h)=n h)/pios kai\ proshnh\s w(s mhde\ ta\s ei)s au)to/n te kai\ th\n basilei/an ginome/nas a(marti/as pe/ra timwrei=sqai fugh=s: ta/s te ga\r a)pexqei/as kai\ ta\ proskrou/mata th=s dianoi/as taxe/ws a)pesei/eto kai\ skw/mmata r(hto/rwn, u(f' w(=n h)fi/eto, kai\ dh/mwn e)s au)to\n a)porriptou/mena kou/fws te kai\ galhnw=s e)/feren: e)/s te ta\s e)nteu/ceis koino\s kai\ dhmotiko\s w)\n a)peskh/nou me\n e)s ta\ polla\ tw=n basilei/wn. ou(=tos toi=s a)ri/stois tw=n pw/pote basile/wn paraba/llesqai a)/cios h)=n: o(/s ge kai\ to\n i)diw/thn e(autou= bi/on e)pi/docon polloi=s te kai\ mega/lois a)pete/lese katorqw/masi. *klaudi/w| ga\r tw=| basilei= strathgw=n e)pi\ *germanou\s kai\ *brettanou\s l# kartera\s ma/xas pro\s tou\s polemi/ous a)ntiparesth/sato. e)s de\ th\n h(gemoni/an parelqw\n metri/ws te kai\ swfro/nws th\n a)rxh\n diw/|khto, e)piqumhtikw=s me\n dokw=n e)/xein xrhma/twn: ou) mh\n w(/ste para\ di/khn a)fairei=sqai/ tina tw=n oi)kei/wn. kai\ to\n plou=ton ou)k e)s ta\s h(dona/s, a)ll' e)s ta\s dhmosi/as xrei/as e)poiei=to. ou)/koun eu(/roi tis a)\n e(/teron pro\ tou=de basile/a ou)/te dayile/steron, ou)/te pro\s to\ i)/son te kai\ di/kaion e)chtasme/non th\n pro\s ta\s dwrea\s e)leuqerio/thta.
Titus Flavius Vespasianus, emperor 69-79: see generally Barbara Levick in OCD(4) s.v. Vespasian;
De Imperatoribus Romanis entry by John Donahue at web address 1;
Suetonius' biography at web address 2.
The name is transliterated differently at
omicron 833 and elsewhere in the Suda, reflecting the changing pronunciation of Latin
v and Greek
[1] John of
Antioch fr.99 FHG (4.578), now 182 Roberto.
[2] For Claudius see generally
kappa 1708. The allusion here is to the years 43-47, when V. was legate of
legio II Augusta based at Argentorate (present-day Strasbourg) and commanded it in the invasion of Britain and subsequent campaigning there.
[3] cf. Eutropius,
Breviarium 7.19. For V's 'liberality' see also
epsilon 805.
B.M. Levick, The Emperor Vespasian (1993)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 December 2003@21:56:28.
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