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Search results for beta,206 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,206
Translated headword: to feel loathing at
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative.[1] [Meaning] to feel disgust at,[2] to suffer nausea, to recoil from.
Apollodorus of Cyrene [sc. uses it to mean] to hate.[3] From this also [comes the noun]
bdelugmi/a ["nausea"], [resulting] from hatred; also [attested is the form]
bdeluri/a ["disgust"].
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "feeling disgust at Lepreum from
Melanthius". This man [
Melanthius] had leprosy. He was also satirized in comedy for being effeminate. And he was a mischief-maker and an epicure and a blabbermouth. "Yes, by the gods, I who cannot look at Lepreum without feeling disgust from
Greek Original:*bdelu/ttesqai: ai)tiatikh=|. musa/ttesqai, nautia=n, a)postre/fesqai. *)apollo/dwros *kurhnai=os, misei=n. a)po\ tou/tou kai\ h( bdelugmi/a a)po\ tou= mi/sous: kai\ h( bdeluri/a. kai\ bdelutto/menon to\n *le/preon a)po\ *melanqi/ou. ou(=tos ei)=xe le/pran. e)kwmw|dei=to de\ kai\ ei)s malaki/an. h)=n de\ kai\ kakopra/gmwn kai\ o)yofa/gos kai\ la/los. nh\ tou\s qeou\s, o(\s ou)k i)dw\n bdelu/ttomai to\n *le/preon a)po\ *melanqi/ou.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; poetry
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 28 July 2002@15:39:54.
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