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Adler number: beta,185
Translated headword: Battos, Battus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A person's name. [It means] stuttering and lisping.[1] There was a Cretan city named Oaxos,[2] in which Etearchos [was] king, who for his motherless daughter, whose name was Phronime [...].[3] Providing badly for her and contriving everything against her, and finally having accused her of lewdness, she[4] convinces her husband that these things are true. Persuaded by his wife, he contrived an unholy deed against his daughter. For there was in Oaxos a man from Thera, a merchant named Themison. Taking this man into guest-friendship, Etearchos made him swear that he would do for him whatever service he asked. When he so swore, he (the king) brought in his daughter, handed her over to him, and ordered him to lead her away and throw her into the sea. But Themison was very angry [...] on the sea,[5] and in order to discharge his oath to Etearchos, after binding her with ropes he let her down into the sea, and having pulled her back up again arrived at Thera. Then Polymnestos, being a reputable man of the Theraeans, took Phronime and made her his concubine. As time passed, there was born to him a son who was stuttering and lisping, to whom the name Battos was given.
Greek Original:*ba/ttos: o)/noma ku/rion. i)sxno/fwnos kai\ traulo/s. po/lis h)=n *krhtikh\ *)oaco/s, e)n th=| *)ete/arxos basileu\s, o(\s e)pi\ qugatri\ a)mh/tori, th=| ou)/noma h)=n *froni/mh: pare/xousa/ te kaka\ kai\ pa=n e)p' au)th=| mhxanwme/nh, kai\ te/los maxlosu/nhn e)penegkou=sa/ oi( pei/qei to\n a)/ndra tau=ta e)/xein ou(/tws. o( de\ a)nagnwsqei\s u(po\ th=s gunaiko\s e)/rgon ou)x o(/sion e)mhxana=to e)pi\ th=| qugatri/. h)=n ga\r dh\ *qemi/swn a)nh\r *qhrai=os e)/mporos e)n th=| *)oacw=|: tou=ton o( *)ete/arxos paralabw\n e)pi\ ceini/a| e)corkoi= h)= me/n oi( dihkonh/sein o(/ ti a)\n dehqei/h. e)pei/ te dh\ e)cw/rkwsen, a)gagw/n oi( paradidoi= th\n e(autou= qugate/ra kai\ tau/thn e)ke/leue katapontw=sai a)pagago/nta. o( de\ *qemi/swn perieme/kthsen e)n tw=| pela/gei, kai\ a)fosiou/menos th\n e)co/rkwsin tou= *)etea/rxou sxoini/ois au)th\n diadh/sas kaqh=ken e)s to\ pe/lagos, a)naspa/sas de\ a)fi/keto e)s th\n *qh/ran. e)nteu=qen de\ th\n *froni/mhn paralabw\n *polu/mnhstos, e)w\n tw=n *qhrai/wn a)nh\r do/kimos, e)pallakeu/eto. xro/nou de\ periio/ntos e)cege/neto/ oi( pai=s i)sxno/fwnos kai\ traulo\s, tw=| ou)/noma e)te/qh *ba/ttos.
Herodotus 4.154-155; see further in the notes below.
alpha 1584,
alpha 1832,
alpha 4639,
theta 116,
pi 1118.
[1] According to
Herodotus (4.155), "Battos" was either the name or the title of the founder of Cyrene in Libya; cf.
beta 186,
beta 187.
[2] In central Crete (Barrington Atlas Map 60 grid C2): Mycenean Waxos, more usually Axos thereafter.
[3] The lexicographer has eliminated the important words, "he married another wife," from the end of this sentence; see
Herodotus 4.154.1 (web address 1).
[4] The stepmother; cf. n. 3 above.
[5] Seventeen words have been omitted from the original source here (
Herodotus 4.154.4).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; medicine; women
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 20 June 2002@15:48:15.
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