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Search results for beta,174 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,174
Translated headword: might be lifted
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] might be carried off, might be stolen.[1] After using his seal, Lakydes[2] threw his ring through the hole, so that he might never be stripped of it and any of his belongings might be lifted.[3]
Greek Original:*bastaxqei/h: a)rqei/h, klapei/h. o( de\ *laku/dhs sfragisa/menos dia\ th=s o)ph=s to\n daktu/lion e)rri/ptei, w(s mhde/pote au)tou= periaireqei/h kai/ ti bastaxqei/h tw=n a)pokeime/nwn.
[1] Aorist passive optative of
basta/zw, third person singular.
[2] Sceptic philosopher, head of the Middle Academy from 241/0 to c. 224/3; see
lambda 72.
[3] cf.
Diogenes Laertius 4.59: "A most amusing story is told of his housekeeping. Whenever he brought anything out of the store-room, he would seal the door up again and throw his signet-ring inside through the opening, to ensure that nothing laid up there should be stolen or carried off. So soon, then, as his rogues of servants got to know this, they broke the seal and carried off what they pleased, afterwards throwing the ring in the same way through the opening into the store-room. Nor were they ever detected in this" (trans. R.D. Hicks, Loeb Classical Library).
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 13 June 2002@14:25:56.
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