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Search results for beta,173 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,173
Translated headword: having raised up
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning having approved as fit.[1]
Eupolis [writes]: "come on now, do you want to hear the composition of an ode or something in the ancient mode? You will say both. But I, after listening, will choose the mode that you would seem to me to have raised up."[2]
"Taking into consideration and raising up everything likely to happen."[3] Meaning approving [it] as fit.
Also [sc. attested is the related neuter noun]
ba/stagma ["burden"]: "it became evident why the city's burden was large. For they handed over more than two hundred thousand weapons to the Romans, and two [thousand] catapults."[4]
Also [sc. the aorist infinitive]
basta/sai does not signify "to raise up" in Attic authors, but rather means to inspect and to weigh and to examine the weight of something with the hand.[5]
Greek Original:*basta/sas: a)nti\ tou= dokima/sas. *eu)/polis: a)/ge dh\, po/tera bou/lesqe th\n dia/qesin w)|dh=s a)kou/ein h)\ to\n a)rxai=on tro/pon; a)mfo/ter' e)rei=s. e)gw\ d' a)kou/sas to\n tro/pon, o(\n a)\n dokh=| moi basta/sas, ai(rh/somai. pa=n to\ sumbhso/menon e)pi\ lo/gon a)/gwn kai\ basta/zwn. a)nti\ tou= dokima/zwn. kai\ *ba/stagma: dh=lon e)pe/neto dio/ti me/ga to\ ba/stagma th=s po/lews h)=n. plei=on ga\r k# muria/dwn o(/pla pare/dwkan *(rwmai/ois kai\ katape/ltas #22b#. kai\ *basta/sai ou) to\ a)=rai dhloi= para\ toi=s *)attikoi=s, a)lla\ to\ yhlafh=sai kai\ diashkw=sai kai\ diaske/yasqai th=| xeiri\ th\n o(lkh/n.
The headword, an aorist participle, is presumably extracted from the first quotation given.
cf. generally
beta 172.
[1] cf.
epsilon 22.
Eupolis fr. 303 Kock, now 326 Kassel-Austin.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
Polybius 36.6.7 (preserved only here), on the surrender of Carthage.
[5] Again at
delta 750.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; science and technology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 6 June 2002@10:37:34.
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