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Search results for beta,148 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,148
Translated headword: kingship, sovereignty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Kingship [is] a possession of things held in common, but the people's things [are] not kingship's possession. Therefore the forcible and violent collection of taxes should be hated as tyrannical insolence, but the reasoned and benevolent requests for contributions should be honored as concern for the public welfare.
Greek Original:*basilei/a: o(/ti h( basilei/a kth=ma tw=n koinw=n, a)ll' ou) ta\ dhmo/sia th=s basilei/as kth/mata. dio\ ta\s e)c a)na/gkhs kai\ meq' u(/brews ei)spra/ceis w(/sper turannika\s a)kolasi/as misei=n dei=, ta\s de\ su\n lo/gw| kai\ filanqrwpi/a| tw=n ei)sforw=n a)paith/seis w(/sper khdemoni/an tima=n.
Keywords: constitution; definition; economics; ethics; law; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 December 2000@11:13:33.
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