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Search results for beta,147 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,147
Translated headword: kingship
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Kingship] is rule without accountability.
"The good are not only free, but also kings. For kingship is rule without accountability, which none but the wise can maintain."[1]
Kingship.[2] Neither nature nor justice gives kingdoms to men, but to those who are able to lead an army and to handle affairs intelligently; such as Philip was, and the successors of Alexander.[3] For family relationship did not benefit the natural son at all because of the weakness of his soul. But those who had no relationship becoming kings of almost the whole inhabited world [...].
Greek Original:*basilei/a e)sti\n a)nupeu/qunos a)rxh/. ou) mo/non de\ e)leuqe/rous ei)=nai tou\s spoudai/ous, a)lla\ kai\ basile/as. h( ga\r basilei/a a)rxh\ a)nupeu/qunos, h(/tis peri\ mo/nous a)\n tou\s sofou\s sustai/h. *basilei/a. ou)/te fu/sis ou)/te to\ di/kaion a)podidou=si toi=s a)nqrw/pois ta\s basilei/as, a)lla\ toi=s duname/nois h(gei=sqai stratope/dou kai\ xeiri/zein pra/gmata nounexw=s: oi(=os h)=n *fi/lippos kai\ oi( dia/doxoi *)aleca/ndrou. to\n ga\r ui(o\n kata\ fu/sin ou)de\n w)fe/lhsen h( sugge/neia dia\ th\n th=s yuxh=s a)dunami/an. tou\s de\ mhde\n prosh/kontas basilei=s gene/sqai sxedo\n a(pa/shs th=s oi)koume/nhs.
For this headword see also
beta 146 and
beta 148. In the present entry both it and its defining gloss (for which cf.
delta 1110) anticipate the first quotation given.
Diogenes Laertius 7.122 (from the life of
Zeno of Citium, Stoic philosopher); he has "the wise", rather than "the good", throughout; cf.
delta 1424.
[2] The source of what follows is unclear.
[3] i.e. Philip II of Macedon (reigned 359-336 BCE) and the successors -- post 323 -- of his son Alexander the Great.
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; ethics; history; military affairs; philosophy; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 December 2000@11:03:10.
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