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Adler number: beta,137
Translated headword: to test
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It does not mean abusing or punishing or whipping in the Attic [authors], but interrogating without blows and investigating the truth through words; from the goldsmith's touchstone [
ba/sanos], used metaphorically.[1]
Polybius [writes]: "then, thinking he had [applied] the test of fire he was relieved of his suspicion."[2]
Also [sc. attested is]
basani/sas ["having tested"]; with an accusative. All [authors] worth speaking of use it to mean having made trial of [
Aristophanes [uses it] this way: "take this person here and test him, and if you ever find that I've done wrong, take me away and kill me. -- And how do I test him? -- In every way. Tying him to a board, hanging him, whipping him with the lash, flaying him,[4] contorting him; even pouring vinegar into his nostrils, piling bricks on him, and all the other ways. Only don't hit him with this young onion."[5] Since free men before this used to flay [slaves] with leeks and garlic greens. [He is saying ] test him by all means, not in sport, nor as free men do to slaves with the shoot of a leek or an onion, that is, of a wild leek, or, as some [say], with the leaf of a leek.[6]
Greek Original:*basani/zein: ou) to\ ai)ki/zesqai kai\ timwrei=sqai kai\ mastigou=n shmai/nei para\ toi=s *)attikoi=s, a)lla\ to\ xwri\s plhgw=n a)nakri/nein kai\ e)le/gxein ta)lhqe\s dia\ lo/gwn: a)po\ th=s basa/nou th=s xrusoxoi+kh=s li/qou metaforikw=s. kai\ *polu/bios: to/te nomi/sas th\n e)k puro\s e)/xein ba/sanon a)pelu/qh th=s u(poyi/as. kai\ *basani/sas: ai)tiatikh=|. a)nti\ tou= dokima/sas ke/xrhntai a(/pantes oi( a)cio/logoi. o( de\ *)aristofa/nhs ou(/tws: basa/nize toutoni\ labw/n, ka)/n pote/ m' e(/lh|s a)dikou=nt', a)po/kteino/n m' a)/gwn. kai\ pw=s basani/zw; pa/nta tro/pon. e)n pi/naki dh/sas, krema/sas, u(strixi/di mastigw=n, dai/rwn, streblw=n: e)/ti d' e)s ta\s r(i=nas o)/cos e)gxe/wn, pli/nqous e)pitiqei\s, pa/nta ta)/lla, plh\n pra/sw| mh\ tu/pte tou=ton mhde\ ghtei/w| ne/w|. e)peidh\ oi( e)leu/qeroi pro\ tou/tou e)dai/ronto pra/sois kai\ skoro/dois. basa/nize au)to\n pantaxw=s, mh\ e)n paidia=|, mhde\ w(s tou\s e)leuqe/rous pai=das tw=| e)kkaulh/mati tou= pra/sou h)\ tou= ghtei/ou, toute/stin a)mpelopra/sou, h)\ w(/s tines, pra/sou fu/llw|.
cf. generally
beta 139.
[1] From the
scholia to
Frogs 616, quoted below.
Polybius fr. 26 Büttner-Wobst. Here the noun
ba/sanos is being used, rather than the verb
basani/zw of the headword.
[3] Paraphrased from Harpokration s.v., who had been more precise, citing
Dinarchus (fr. XLII.4c Conomis) and Attic writers generally.
[4] Here and in the explanation that follows,
Aristophanes' participle
de/rwn is spelled
dai/rwn, reflecting a pronunciation-based spelling at the time the gloss was first written.
[5] A close paraphrase of
Frogs 615-622, a patch of dialogue between the slave Xanthias and Aiakos (web address 1). Material from the
scholia to line 621 (augmented by the mention of the wild leek:
gamma 262) follows. See also
kappa 1804,
upsilon 692.
[6] For "the leaf of a leek," see
pi 2228.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; historiography; history; imagery; law; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 June 2003@09:19:24.
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