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Search results for beta,123 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,123
Translated headword: Barron, Varro
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Historian. [He wrote] an epitome of events in the time of Alexander the Macedonian.
Greek Original:*ba/rrwn, i(storiko/s. e)pitomh\n tw=n kat' *)ale/candron to\n *makedo/na.
A Roman, presumably, but undatable, post the reign (336-323 BCE) of Alexander.
FGrH gives this testimonium only; Jacoby raises but rejects the option of a connection with
epsilon 80 (q.v.).
Keywords: biography; chronology; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Richard Davis on 31 December 2002@15:33:30.
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