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Search results for alphaiota,91 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,91
Translated headword: ai ai!
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Ai ai! Who ever would have thought that my appellation would provide a name my sufferings this way?" Aias says [this].[1] "And now it is fitting even to cry 'aiai!' twice for me and thrice."[2] This is in the manner of the ancients, the producing of calamities in accordance with the namings [of characters]. If he were doing well he would not have mentioned his name, but only in the midst of calamity.
Greek Original:*ai)\ ai)/: ai)\ ai)/, ti/s a)/n pot' w)/|eq' w(=d' e)pw/numon tou)mo\n cunoi/sein o)/noma toi=s e)moi=s kakoi=s; o( *ai)/as fhsi/n. nu=n ga\r pa/resti kai\ di\s ai)a/zein e)moi\ kai\ tri/s. tou=to a)rxaio/tropo/n e)sti, to\ pro\s ta\s o)nomasi/as e)kfe/rein ta\s sumfora/s. kalw=s me\n ou)=n pra/ttwn ou)k a)\n e)mnh/sqh tou= o)no/matos, e)n sumfora=| de\ w)/n.
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Keywords: aetiology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; mythology; poetry; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 May 2003@11:02:40.
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