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Adler number: alphaiota,8
Translated headword: Aiantean laughter, Ajax's laughter
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those laughing insanely.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] "Aiantean house," [meaning] that of Ajax.[2]
Also [sc. attested is] "Aiantian tribe," [meaning] that of Ajax.[3]
Greek Original:*ai)a/nteios ge/lws: e)pi\ tw=n parafro/nws gelw/ntwn. kai\ *ai)a/nteios oi)=kos, o( tou= *ai)/antos. kai\ *ai)anti\s fulh/, h( tou= *ai)/antos.
The headword phrase occurs in
Menander fr. 10 Sandbach (401 Kock). For another occurrence of the adjective
*ai)a/nteios ('Ajax's') cf.
theta 567.
[1] =
Zenobius 1.43,
Diogenianus 1.41, etc.
[2] The phrase is found as an example of the use of the adjective in
Theognostus 751.4. Adler also cites
Lexicon Ambrosianum 7. Otherwise it is unattested.
[3] cf. a scholium to Aristeides,
Panathenaicus 192;
Hesychius alpha1668. Adler also cites
Lexicon Ambrosianum 9. The tribe (
fulh/) Aiantis was one of ten new such entities created in
Athens in the late C6 BCE (and named after mythological figures of significance to the community) by the reforms of Kleisthenes. See generally OCD(4) p.1144.
Keywords: comedy; constitution; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history; law; mythology; poetry; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 21 May 1999@14:38:57.
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