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Search results for alphaiota,60 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,60
Translated headword: garment; net; web; cuirass; wood-grain
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the [thing] plaited from garlands and the net that has been braided from garlands. So
Lycurgus and
Herodotus [sc. use the word].
The priestess in
Athens carrying [or: wearing][1] the sacred
aigis used to visit the [sc. houses of] newly-married women. So the saying is used in reference to those doing anything shameless.[2]
Also [sc. means] the cuirass; and the close-grained texture in pine-trees.[3]
Nymphodorus says that these things are called
aigees by Libyans.[4]
Greek Original:*ai)gi/s: to\ e)k tw=n stemma/twn ple/gma kai\ to\ dia\ stemma/twn peplegme/non di/ktuon. w(s *lukou=rgos kai\ *(hro/dotos. h( de\ i(e/reia *)aqh/nhsi th\n i(era\n ai)gi/da fe/rousa pro\s ta\s neoga/mous ei)sh/rxeto. e)pi\ tw=n a)nai/dhn ou)=n poiou/ntwn ti ta/ttetai h( paroimi/a. kai\ o( qw/rac: kai\ h( e)n tai=s peu/kais ou)lo/ths. *numfo/dwros de\ tau=ta u(po\ *libu/wn ai)ge/as fhsi\ kalei=sqai.
An expanded, and partially garbled, version of Harpocration a48 Keaney:
*ai)gi/das e)ka/loun ta\ e)k tw=n stemma/twn di/ktua; *lukou=rgos e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s dioikh/sews kai\ *numfo/dwros. *(hro/dotos d' e)n d tau/tas fhsi\n u(po\ *libu/wn ai)ge/as kalei=sqai; "they used to call aigides the nets from the garlands;
Lycurgus in
On the Administration [F24 Conomis] and
Nymphodorus [FGrH 572 F22] [sc. mention them].
Herodotus [4.189.1] says that these things are called
aigees by Libyans". (See
alphaiota 59.) Compare also
Hesychius alpha1725.
[1] For 'wearing' cf. LSJ s.v.
fe/rw, I.3.
[2] What 'saying' (not in Harpok.) is meant is not made clear.
[3] On pines see generally LSJ s.v.
ai)gi/s, III.
[4] The Suda here ascribes what
Herodotus says (above) to
Nymphodorus; cf. primary note above. (The latter's point is that the Spartans call the cuirass an aigis.)
Keywords: botany; clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; military affairs; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: Alina Kelman on 17 May 2002@12:45:43.
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