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Search results for alphaiota,394 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,394
Translated headword: swift
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning swiftly, speedily. "They dissolved the assembly swift."[1] Not in reference to the market-place.[2]
Also [sc. attested is masculine] ai)yhro/s, [meaning] a speedy [person]. From the [verb] yai/rein ["to flutter"], which means to speed up.[3]
Greek Original:*ai)yhrh/n: a)nti\ tou= ai)yhrw=s, taxe/ws. lu=san d' a)gorh\n ai)yhrh/n. ou)k e)pi\ th=s a)gora=s. kai\ *ai)yhro/s, o( taxu/s. a)po\ tou= yai/rein, o(\ shmai/nei to\ taxu/nein.
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; poetry
Translated by: William Hutton on 11 February 2003@15:22:09.
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