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Search results for alphaiota,376 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,376
Translated headword: Etnaean dung-beetle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the big [kind]. [So called] because the mountain too [is] big.[1]
They say that Aristaios was the only Giant to survive; the fire of heaven did not reach him, nor did Etna harm him.[2]
Greek Original:*ai)tnai=os ka/nqaros: o( me/gas. dio\ kai\ to\ o)/ros me/ga. *)aristai=on mo/non to\n gi/ganta periswqh=nai/ fasi, kai\ ou)/te pu=r ou)ra/nion e)p' au)to\n h)=lqen, ou)/te *ai)/tnh pie/zei au)to/n.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; geography; mythology; proverbs; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 October 2000@10:05:51.
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