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Search results for alphaiota,371 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,371
Translated headword: causal falsehood
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. This term means] either something that begins from a falsehood or does not finish up with a consequence or has, when it finishes, the premise as a consequence. For instance: because it is night,
Dion is taking a walk.[1]
Construction: "those who had escaped were from
Mysia for such reasons as these."[2]
Greek Original:*ai)tiw=des yeu=dos: h)/toi o(\ a)po\ yeu/dous a)/rxetai h)\ mh\ ei)s a)ko/louqon lh/gei h)\ e)/xei tw=| lh/gonti to\ a)rxo/menon a)ko/louqon. oi(=on dio/ti nu/c e)sti, *di/wn peripatei=. su/ntacis: oi( de\ pefeugo/tes h)=san a)po\ th=s *musi/as ai)ti/ais toiai=sde.
The first part of the entry is also in ps.-
Diogenes Laertius 7.75.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
Keywords: definition; geography; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 May 2003@22:03:07.
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