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Search results for alphaiota,35 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,35
Translated headword: poplar
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The white [sc. variety].[1] A type of plant.
Poplar's view: there was a poplar in
Athens near to the shrine; there they used to set up the benches before the theater existed.[2]
From this poplar those who did not have a place used to watch. But Aigiros [is] a name of a city.[3]
Greek Original:*ai)/geiros: h( leu/kh. ei)=dos futou=. *ai)gei/rou qe/a: ai)/geiros h)=n *)aqh/nhsi plhsi/on tou= i(erou=: e)/nqa pri\n gene/sqai qe/atron, ta\ i)kri/a e)ph/gnuon. a)f' h(=s ai)gei/rou oi( mh\ e)/xontes to/pon e)qew/roun. *ai)/giros de\ o)/noma po/lews.
NB: the online headword is incorrect; it should be
ai)/geiros, not the subsidiary lemma
ai)gei/rou qe/a.
[1] i.e.
populus alba. Note, however, LSJ's belief that this term refers to the black variety,
populus nigra.
[2] See already under
alpha 2952. (For benches cf.
iota 275.) The Suda's 'near to
the shrine' looks incomplete or otherwise faulty, but it is already in
Hesychius alpha1695. Modern scholarship would suggest that the
hieron in question is that of Lenaean Dionysus; see Pickard-Cambridge/Gould/Lewis 37-38.
[3] See
alphaiota 58.
A.W. Pickard-Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens, 2nd edition with new supplement, revised J. Gould & D.M. Lewis (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1988)
Keywords: architecture; botany; comedy; daily life; geography; history; proverbs; religion; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 May 2003@21:51:11.
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