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Adler number: alphaiota,349
Translated headword: Aeschines, Aischines, Aiskhines
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The son of Lysanias.[1] This man went to Dionysios in
Sicily[2] on account of money. And
Plato is said to have compassed Charybdis three times on account of Sicilian lucre.[3] Aristippos of Cyrene[4] and
Helikon from Cyzicus and Phoiton, when he fled from
Rhegion, are said to sunk so far into Dionysios' treasuries that they were scarcely able to get themselves out from there. They say that Eudoxos of
Knidos,[5] when once he went to Egypt, confessed that he had gone there on account of money and conversed with the king on account of it. And, to round off my calumnies, they say that Speusippos the Athenian[6] conceived such a passion for money that when he went to Macedon to celebrate the wedding of Cassander he composed frightful poems and sang them in public on account of money.
Greek Original:*ai)sxi/nhs, o( tou= *lusani/ou. ou(=tos para\ *dionu/sion ei)s *sikeli/an u(pe\r xrhma/twn w)/|xeto. *pla/twn de\ tri\s a)nametrh=sai le/getai th\n *xa/rubdin u(pe\r plou/tou *sikelikou=. *)ari/stippos de\ o( *kurhnai=os kai\ *(eli/kwn e)k *kuzi/kou kai\ *foi/twn, o(/te e)/feuge *(rh/gion, ou(/tw ti e)s tou\s *dionusi/ou kate/dusan qhsaurou\s w(s mo/gis a)nasxei=n e)kei=qen. kai\ mh\n kai\ to\n *kni/dio/n fasin *eu)/docon e)s *ai)/gupto/n pote a)fiko/menon u(pe\r xrhma/twn te o(mologei=n h(/kein kai\ diale/gesqai tw=| basilei= u(pe\r tou/tou. kai\ i(/na mh\ plei/ous diaba/lw, *speu/sippon to\n *)aqhnai=on ou(/tw ti e)rasixrh/maton gene/sqai fasi/n, w(s e)pi\ to\n *kassa/ndrou ga/mon e)s *makedo/nas kwma/sai, poih/mata yuxra\ cunqe/nta dhmosi/a| tau=q' u(pe\r xrhma/twn a)=|sai.
Keywords: biography; daily life; economics; ethics; geography; history; meter and music; mythology; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 14 February 2003@00:30:17.
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