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Search results for alphaiota,348 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,348
Translated headword: Aeschines, Aischines, Aiskhines
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Athens; son of the elementary teacher Atrometus and Leucothea[1] the priestess. He himself was an actor, then a secretary, then an orator; he was a traitor, who betrayed Cersobleptes[2] and the Phocians. He indicted Ctesiphon for violating the constitution when he proposed that
Demosthenes be crowned;[3] he lost the case, and went into exile in
Rhodes, where he became a teacher.
Greek Original:*ai)sxi/nhs, *)aqhnai=os, *)atromh/tou grammatodidaska/lou kai\ *leukoqe/as th=s telestri/as, au)to\s u(pokrith/s, ei)=ta grammateu/s, ei)=ta r(h/twr, prodo/ths, o( *kersoble/pthn kai\ *fwke/as prodou/s. graya/menos de\ parano/mwn *kthsifw=nta, stefanou=n gra/yanta *dhmosqe/nhn, h(tth/qh kai\ e)/fugen ei)s *(ro/don kai\ e)pai/deusen e)kei=.
Keywords: biography; constitution; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; law; politics; religion; rhetoric; stagecraft; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 10 February 2001@13:29:53.
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