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Search results for alphaiota,332 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ai)sw/peion ai(=ma
Adler number: alphaiota,332
Translated headword: Aesopic blood
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those being killed unjustly. For the Delphians did not kill Aesop justifiably.
Thus 'Aesopic blood' [is used] in reference to those who are beset by irremediable disgraces and evils. For it happened that the divinity waxed wroth at the Delphians; they killed Aesop unjustly.
Greek Original:
*ai)sw/peion ai(=ma: e)pi\ tw=n a)di/kws a)nairoume/nwn. ou) ga\r e)ndi/kws a)pe/kteinan to\n *ai)/swpon oi( *delfoi/. *ai)sw/peion ou)=n ai(=ma, e)pi\ tw=n dusaponi/ptois o)nei/desi kai\ kakoi=s sunexome/nwn. *delfoi=s ga\r sune/bh to\ daimo/nion o)rgisqh=nai, a)di/kws a)nelou=sin *ai)/swpon.
The story of Aesop's death is told at alphaiota 334.
For the proverb -- in its second version here -- see Zenobius 1.47, etc.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; geography; history; proverbs; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 May 2003@12:25:47.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added note) on 21 May 2003@18:24:41.
David Whitehead (added note; modified keywords; cosmetics) on 22 May 2003@02:57:42.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 17 May 2012@04:45:16.


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