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Search results for alphaiota,325 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ai)sqe/sqai
Adler number: alphaiota,325
Translated headword: to perceive
Vetting Status: high
[The aorist] ai)sqe/sqai differs from [the present] ai)sqa/nesqai. For ai)sqe/sqai [is used] in reference to knowing something accurately, but ai)sqa/nesqai [is used] in reference to conjecturing something. And as regards ai)sqa/nesqai, Antiphon in Proems [says]: "I wrote this indictment because great injustice was done to me by this man, by Zeus, but I perceived that you and the other citizens have suffered even greater injustice."[1] But ai)sqa/nesqai [is used] in reference to suspicion and not in reference to sure knowledge. Lysias in the [speech] In Reply to Alcibiades says: "I suppose indeed that you perceive this also, that Archibiades was not seeking to gain anything else but was laying claim to my possessions."[2] But they have used this [verb] also in reference to knowledge. Isaeus [says]: "Of this testimony you who are judging know some parts for yourselves (that the child recovered), perceiving from the witnesses who saw; other parts you have learned from hearing."[3]
Greek Original:
*ai)sqe/sqai kai\ *ai)sqa/nesqai diafe/rei. to\ me\n ga\r ai)sqe/sqai e)pi\ tou= a)kribw=s ei)de/nai ti, to\ de\ ai)sqa/nesqai e)pi\ tou= u(ponoei=n ti. kai\ peri\ me\n tou= ai)sqa/nesqai *)antifw=n e)n *prooimi/ois: e)graya/mhn tau/thn th\n grafh\n h)dikhme/nos u(po\ tou/tou nh\ *di/a polla/, e)/ti de\ kai\ plei/w u(ma=s h)|sqhme/nos h)dikhme/nous kai\ tou\s a)/llous poli/tas. to\ de\ ai)sqa/nesqai e)pi\ tou= u(popteu/ein kai\ ou)k e)pi\ tou= bebai/ws ei)de/nai. *lusi/as e)n tw=| pro\s *)alkibia/dhn fhsi/n: oi)=mai me\n toi/nun kai\ e)kei=no u(ma=s ai)sqa/nesqai, o(/ti *)arxibia/dhs ou)k a)/llo ti e)zh/tei komi/sasqai, a)lla\ tw=n e)mw=n h)mfisbh/tei. e)/tacan de\ au)to\ kai\ e)pi\ tou= ei)de/nai. *)isai=os: ta\ de\ toiou/twn dh\ marturiw=n oi( dika/zontes ta\ me\n au)toi\ suneido/tes, o(/ti u(gi/anen o( pai=s, tw=n e(wrako/twn ai)sqano/menoi marturou/ntwn, ta\ de\ a)koh=| punqano/menoi.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
On ai)sqa/nesqai, ai)sqe/sqai, and ai)/sqesqai see also alphaiota 323 and alphaiota 324.
[1] Antiphon fr. 70 Sauppe.
[2] Lysias fr. 12 Sauppe, now 51 Carey OCT. The name in the extract is Archibiades in some manuscripts (which Adler follows), Alkibiades in others. Following Taylor, Carey regards the name in both the speech-title and the extract as Archebiades.
[3] Isaeus fr.134 Sauppe.
Keywords: children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 March 2003@01:16:24.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 26 March 2003@03:12:56.
David Whitehead (corrected my own typo) on 26 March 2003@10:14:15.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 27 March 2003@03:50:05.
David Whitehead (more keywords; updated a ref) on 17 May 2012@04:19:07.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 30 November 2015@06:52:24.


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