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Search results for alphaiota,317 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,317
Translated headword: Aisepos, Aesepus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Name of a river.
Greek Original:*ai)/shpos: o)/noma potamou=.
Mysia (modern Turkey), present-day Gönen Çayı. The Aesepus rises in Mount Cotylus, one of the summits of Ida (
Iliad 12. 21) and flows through the territory of Zeleia (
Iliad 2. 825) to the Propontis between the mouth of the Granicus and Cyzicus. According to
Strabo (12.4.6), the Aesepus was the eastern boundary of
Mysia. Hesiod,
Theogony 342, mentions its divine personification (web address 1).
Hasluck, F. W. Cyzicus; Being Some Account of the History and Antiquities of That City, and of the District Adjacent to It, with the Towns of Apollonia Ad Rhyndacum, Miletupolis, Hadrianutherae, Priapus, Zeleia, Etc. Cambridge: University Press, 1910, passim, esp. pp.101-114. (See the web address 2 to read and download the book).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; geography; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 May 2001@08:31:52.
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