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Search results for alphaiota,316 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,316
Translated headword: laurel-branch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the branch of the laurel; those holding it used to sing hymns to the gods.
Greek Original:*ai)/sakos: o( kla/dos th=s da/fnhs, o(\n kate/xontes u(/mnoun tou\s qeou/s.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
'Handed by one to another at table as a challenge to sing' (LSJ s.v.). See e.g.
Moralia 615B (in the
Quaestiones conviviales).
alphaiota 96.
Keywords: botany; daily life; definition; ethics; food; meter and music; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 17 March 2003@19:44:04.
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