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Adler number: alphaiota,299
Translated headword: to lift one's foot out of the mud
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A saying] in reference to those wishing not to be in difficulties. Another version is "to lift one's foot out of blame." [1]
[The verb]
ai)/rein also means to bring: "Bring, bring the cake to the dung-beetle as fast as you can."
Aristophanes [says this] in
Peace.[2] And with the prefix
Pherekrates in
Petale [says], "Bring the basket, and if you wish, offer it."[3] They also used the expression as we do in reference to taking away the table which was set beside [a dinner-guest].
Menander in
Snood [says], "Then take the tables away at once like this; prepare perfume and wreaths, make libations." And in
Breakfasters [he says]: "if anyone still gives me something to drink [...] but the barbarian woman has gone and taken the wine away from us along with the table."[4]
Greek Original:*ai)/rein e)/cw po/da phlou=: e)pi\ tw=n boulome/nwn mh\ e)n pra/gmasin ei)=nai. le/getai de\ kai\ ai)/rein e)/cw po/da ai)ti/as. *ai)/rein kai\ to\ prosfe/rein dhloi=. ai)=r', ai)=re ma=zan w(s ta/xista kanqa/rw|. *)aristofa/nhs *ei)rh/nh|. kai\ meta\ th=s proqe/sews *ferekra/ths *peta/lh|: pro/saire to\ kanou=n, ei) de\ bou/lei, pro/sfere. e)ti/qesan de\ th\n le/cin kai\ w(s h(mei=s e)pi\ tou= parakeime/nhn a)felei=n th\n tra/pezan. *me/nandros *kekrufa/lw|: ei)=t' eu)qu\s ou(/tw ta\s trape/zas ai)/rete: mu/ra, stefa/nous e(toi/mason, sponda\s poi/ei. kai\ *sunaristw/sais: a)\n e)/ti piei=n moi dw=| tis. a)ll' h( ba/rbaros a(/ma th=| trape/zh| kai\ to\n oi)=non w)/|xeto a)/rasa a)f' h(mw=n.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; food; imagery; proverbs; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 March 2003@00:58:37.
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