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Search results for alphaiota,285 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,285
Translated headword: capture, taking
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] subjugation, overthrow.[1]
"Therefore also they conspired to attack him first of all, so that they might have an overthrow -- as the saying goes -- from top (sc. to bottom) of the customs and practices dear to the gods[2] and established by ancient laws."[3]
Greek Original:*ai(/resis: katastrofh/, kata/lusis. dio\ kai\ prw/tw| tw=n a)/llwn e)pe/qento di' e)piboulh=s, i(/na sfi/si to\ lego/menon e)c a)/kras h( ai(/resis ge/nhtai tw=n qeofilw=n kai\ a)rxaiono/mwn h)qw=n te kai\ e)pithdeuma/twn.
[1] The headword noun can refer to the capture of a city: see LSJ s.v. I.A. Another meaning of the word is discussed at
alphaiota 286.
[2] Or perhaps, "dear to God."
[3] Tittman attributes this passage to
Philo Judaeus, Adler to
Damascius (now adopted as fr. 292 Zintzen).
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; imagery; law; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 February 2003@22:54:42.
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