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Adler number: alphaiota,284
Translated headword: raise a spur
Vetting Status: high
Translation: That is, a defensive weapon. The metaphor [comes] from cocks; for they too have spurs with which they fight. We call these [spurs] the kentra of the birds; others [call them] plektra. But plektra are the bronze [spikes] which are attached to the [sc. natural] plektra of the cocks.
Greek Original:*ai)=re plh=ktron: toute/stin o(/plon a)munth/rion. h( metafora\ a)po\ tw=n a)lektruo/nwn: ka)kei=noi ga\r e)/xousi plh=ktra, e)n oi(=s ma/xontai: a(\ h(mei=s ke/ntra le/gomen tw=n o)rni/qwn, oi( de\ plh=ktra. plh=ktra de/ ei)si ta\ e)mballo/mena toi=s plh/ktrois tw=n a)lektruo/nwn ta\ xalka=.
From a scholion on
Birds 759, where the headword phrase -- in full, 'raise a spur, if you are fighting' -- occurs (web address 1); cf.
pi 1752.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; imagery; medicine; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 2 March 2003@01:26:08.
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