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Adler number: alphaiota,23
Translated headword: Aegean sea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thus called from a story. Theseus,[1] the son of Aegeus the king of Attica, ruled the Cretans and pursued the Minotaur into the area of the labyrinth and killed him when he was hidden in a cavern. He took to wife the woman Ariadne,[2] who had been born to Minos of Pasiphae, and thus he ruled Crete. Then he asked to go back to his father Aegeus and to announce his victory over the Minotaur. So as he was sailing to the land of Attica, one of the sea-faring merchants got a head start and lied to his father saying to him that the Cretans transgressed against Theseus (for they are under suspicion of being liars) and betrayed him to Minos to be a sacrifice. Aegeus believed him and with contempt hurled himself from the cliff into the sea and drowned. And so because of this even today the sea is called the Aegean. So Theseus came and found him dead. Despising the kingdom of Crete and his own wife Ariadne, he became king in Attica in place of his father.
From this [comes] also [the name] Aegean gulf.[3]
"So [the] Aegean sea [is] the most fearful."[4] But *Ai)/gaion is the more Attic [accentuation].[5]
Greek Original:*ai)gai=on pe/lagos: ou(/tw kalou/menon a)po\ i(stori/as. *qhseu\s o( *ai)ge/ws ui(o/s, basile/ws th=s *)attikh=s, basileu/ei *krhtw=n kai\ diw/kei to\n *minw/tauron ei)s th\n laburi/nqwn xw/ran kai\ krupto/menon au)to\n e)n sphlai/w| a)nei=le kai\ lamba/nei th\n *)aria/dnhn gunai=ka, th\n a)po\ tou= *mi/nwos texqei=san th=| *pasifa/h|, kai\ ou(/tw kratei= th=s *krh/ths. ei)=ta h)/|thsen a)pelqei=n pro\s to\n e(autou= pate/ra to\n *ai)ge/a kai\ th\n e(autou= ni/khn th\n kata\ tou= *minwtau/rou a)paggei=lai. w(s ou)=n e)/plei e)pi\ th\n *)attikh\n xw/ran, prolabw/n tis tw=n dia\ qala/sshs e)mporeuome/nwn e)yeu/sato to\n tou/tou pate/ra, ei)rhkw\s au)tw=|, o(/ti pare/bhsan oi( *krh=tes to\n *qhse/a [e)/xousi ga\r kai\ yeudome/nwn u(polh/yeis] kai\ prodedw/kasi tw=| *mi/nwi+ tou=ton ei)s qusi/an. pisteu/sas de\ o( *ai)geu\s kai\ katoligwrh/sas e)/rriyen e(auto\n a)po\ th=s a)krwrei/as ei)s th\n qa/lassan kai\ a)pepni/gh. dio/per e)kei=no to\ pe/lagos me/xri th=s sh/meron *ai)gai=on e)klh/qh. e)lqw\n ou)=n o( *qhseu\s eu(=ren au)to\n teleuth/santa kai\ katafronh/sas th=s basilei/as th=s *krh/ths kai\ th=s e(autou= gunaiko\s *)aria/dnhs e)basi/leusen a)nti\ tou= patro\s e)n th=| *)attikh=|. e)c au)tou= de\ kai\ *ai)gai=os ko/lpos. *ai)gai=on ou)=n pe/lagos to\ foberw/taton. *)attikw/teron de\ to\ *ai)/gaion.
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 July 2000@09:15:51.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (Altered translation slightly; added cross-reference and keyword.) on 16 October 2000@01:35:37.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; added bibliography; cosmetics) on 16 August 2001@07:04:33.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 10 May 2012@08:04:14.
Catharine Roth (augmented note 5) on 11 May 2012@00:30:15.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 1 August 2014@04:26:07.
No. of records found: 1
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