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Adler number: alphaiota,225
Translated headword: Ainos, Aenus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is a city of Thrace, which Greeks first inhabited with Alopekonnesians[1], who afterwards brought in additional settlers from
Mytilene and
And out of this [comes] Ainites, the citizen [of Ainos].
Greek Original:*ai)=nos: po/lis e)sti\ th=s *qra/|khs, h(\n *(/ellhnes ta\ prw=ta *)alwpekonnhsi/ois katw/|kisan, u(/steron de\ e)k *mitulh/nhs kai\ *ku/mhs e)phga/gonto e)poi/kous. kai\ e)c au)tou= *ai)ni/ths, o( poli/ths.
From Harpokration s.v. Ainious: see already under
alphaiota 224.
(Entry out of alphabetical order.)
[1] So the transmitted text, with Alopekonnesians in the dative case -- but in Harpokration it is nominative, as it clearly should be: "a city whose first Greek inhabitants were Alopekonnesians". For Ainos (modern-day Enez, Edirne Province, Turkey), see Barrington Atlas map 51 grid G3.
[2] So already under
alphaiota 219. (But in fact Ainios is the norm.)
OCD(4) p.23
Keywords: chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 November 2000@11:26:41.
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