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Search results for alphaiota,224 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,224
Translated headword: Ainion, Aenium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Ainion] and Ainioi: [sc.both are] cities.[1]
"It happened that the Aenians were formerly split by factions; but recently some inclined towards Eumenes, others to Macedonia."[2]
Greek Original:*ai)/nion kai\ *ai)ni/ous: po/leis. sune/baine de\ tou\s *ai)ni/ous pa/lai me\n stasia/zein, prosfa/tws de\ a)poneu/ein tou\s me\n pro\s *eu)me/nh, tou\s de\ pro\s *makedoni/an.
[1] Derived from Harpokration s.v. Ainious, i.e. accusative plural, as again here, from
Demosthenes 23.119. (The entry also quotes
Homer [
Iliad 4.520] and cites
Ephorus FGrH 70 F39.) But only one city is involved: Ainos/Aenus, in Thrace, whose citizens were Ainioi/Aenii: see
alphaiota 225.
[2] Quoted from
alpha 3451:
Polybius 22.6.7 (preserved only in the Suda), on events in Thrace in the 180s BCE.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; historiography; history; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 January 2003@22:25:14.
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