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Search results for alphaiota,205 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,205
Translated headword: Haimonios, Haemonius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Roman; wounded during the war of the Persians against the Athenians he [nevertheless] ran to
Athens, went in to [see] the prytaneis,[1] and said to them 'Rejoice, we are rejoicing';[2] he then fell dead.
Greek Original:*ai(mo/nios, *(rwmai=os, kata\ to\n *persw=n pro\s *)aqhnai/ous po/lemon traumati/as dramw\n ei)s *)aqh/nas kai\ ei)s tou\s pruta/neis ei)selqw\n ei)=pen au)toi=s: xai/rete kai\ xai/romen. kai\ pesw\n a)pe/qanen.
A ludicrous re-hashing of part of the story of Pheidippides/
Philippides (
phi 347). The present version follows the phraseology of
Moralia 347C, where the name is either Thersippos or Eukles; Lucian,
Pro lapsu inter salutandum 3 has
Philippides; the basis for 'Haimonios' (a Roman!) is unclear.
[1] See generally
pi 3000.
[2] So the transmitted text; but in the light of Lucian loc.cit. one should accept here, as in
Plutarch loc.cit., Cobet's emendation to 'we are victorious' (
Keywords: biography; constitution; geography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 September 2002@11:49:37.
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