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Headword: *ai)mili/a
Adler number: alphaiota,198
Translated headword: Aemilia, Aimilia
Vetting Status: high
The wife of Scipio the Great; she made a practice of participating in the women's processions with a show of pomp that was magnificent, since she reached her peak at the same time that the career and the fortune of Scipio did; for apart from the adorment of her body and her carriage, she took along with her on the noteworthy processions all the baskets and vessels and the other things used in the sacrifice, both silver and gold ones, and they were attended by a crowd of boys and servants following along. All of these trappings [that is, the possessions], immediately after Aemilia's burial, he bestowed upon his mother, who happened to have been divorced from Lucius for many years already, and who had less plentiful luxuries than what her noble birth had led her to expect. For this reason, though she had withdrawn in the previous year from the principal processions, when at that time as chance would have it there was a noteworthy city-wide sacrifice, she was carried out in the trappings and the luxuries of Aemilia, including, in addition to everything else, also the mule-drivers and the yoke-team, and the same carriage. As it happened the women who witnessed the event were amazed by the goodness and generosity of Scipio.
Greek Original:
*ai)mili/a, *skipi/wnos tou= mega/lou gunh/: h(=| sune/baine megalopreph= th\n peri/stasin e)/xein e)n tai=s gunaikei/ais e)co/dois, a(/te sunhkmakui=an tw=| bi/w| kai\ th=| tu/xh| th=| *skipi/wnos: xwri\s ga\r tou= peri\ to\ sw=ma kai\ th\n a)ph/nhn ko/smou kai\ ta\ kana= kai\ ta\ poth/ria kai\ ta)/lla ta\ pro\s qusi/an a)rgura= kai\ xrusa= pa/nta sunechkolou/qei kata\ ta\s e)pifanei=s e)co/dous au)th=|, to/ te tw=n paidiskw=n kai\ to\ tw=n oi)ketw=n tw=n parepome/nwn plh=qos a)ko/louqon h)=n tou/tois. tau/thn dh\ th\n perikoph\n a(/pasan [toute/sti th\n u(/parcin] eu)qe/ws meta\ to\n *ai)mili/as ta/fon e)dwrh/sato th=| mhtri/, h(=| sune/baine kexwri/sqai me\n a)po\ tou= *leuki/ou pro/teron h)/dh polloi=s xro/nois, th\n de\ tou= bi/ou xorhgi/an e)llipeste/ran e)/xein th=s kata\ th\n eu)ge/neian fantasi/as. dio\ to\n pro\ tou= xro/non a)nakexwrhkui/as au)th=s e)k tw=n e)pish/mwn e)co/dwn, to/te kata\ tu/xhn ou)/shs e)pifanou=s kai\ pandh/mou qusi/as, e)kporeuome/nhs au)th=s e)n th=| th=s *ai)mili/as perikoph=| kai\ xorhgi/a|, kai\ pro\s toi=s a)/llois kai\ tw=n o)rewko/mwn kai\ tou= zeu/gous kai\ th=s a)ph/nhs th=s au)th=s u(parxou/shs, sune/bh ta\s gunai=kas qewme/nas to\ gegono\s e)kplh/ttesqai th\n *skipi/wnos xrhsto/thta kai\ megaloyuxi/an.
Polybius 31.26.1-8. See already alpha 3167, and again pi 1186, pi 1295.
Keywords: biography; children; clothing; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; religion; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 11 February 2003@01:05:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword) on 11 February 2003@03:46:52.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 15 May 2012@04:39:24.


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