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Adler number: alphaiota,192
Translated headword: to weep blood, to weep in blood
Vetting Status: high
Translation: By exaggeration, [this means] not [to weep] tears.
This is what the ancients used to say about those whom they would not have been able to persuade no matter what they did. "He would not persuade him, not even by weeping blood."[1]
They also say, "not even by groaning blood would he persuade."[2]
Greek Original:*ai(/mati klai/ein: kaq' u(perbolh/n, ou) da/krusin. e)f' w(=n mh\ du/nainto pei=sai pa/nta pra/ttontes, ou(/tws e)/legon oi( a)rxai=oi. ou)d' a)\n pei/sh| au)to/n, ou)d' ai(/mati klai/wn. le/gousi de\ kai/, ou)d' a)\n ai(/mati ste/nwn pei/seien.
Apostolius 1.63; and more briefly in
Photius and elsewhere.
[1] Cross-referenced at
omicron 775, where however the quotation begins at
ou)d' and ends in the finite verb
klai/w rather than this participle
klai/wn. The participial version is the authentic one, appearing also in other lexica which stem from
Pausanias the Atticist (alpha46); proverbial, besides, in
Apostolius 1.63. The source of the (full) quotation, however, is indeterminable.
[2] Also in
Apostolius 1.63 (see preceding note), but otherwise unattested.
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; imagery; medicine; proverbs
Translated by: William Hutton on 11 February 2003@00:02:35.
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