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Search results for alphaiota,187 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,187
Translated headword: blood
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Blood] and family. "I claim to be of this family and blood."[1] And the most vital of the four humors which are in us.[2]
Sophocles in
Electra calls the knife "blood."[3]
Greek Original:*ai(=ma: kai\ to\ ge/nos. tau/ths toi geneh=s te kai\ ai(/matos eu)/xomai ei)=nai. kai\ to\ e)n h(mi=n tessa/rwn xumw=n to\ kairiw/taton. *sofoklh=s d' e)n *)hle/ktra| th\n ma/xairan ai(=ma/ fhsin.
(For this headword see already
alphaiota 186.)
Same or similar entry in other lexica, including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon.
Iliad 6.211, with scholion.
[2] If this sentence is a quotation, it is unidentifiable.
Electra 1395.
Keywords: definition; epic; imagery; medicine; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 November 2002@19:29:13.
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