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Adler number: alphaiota,179
Translated headword: Aelian, Aelianus, Ailianos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man served as general during the reign of Valens.[1] From Syedra,[2] he was extremely independent, and having been conspicuous for his spirit since childhood,[3] he was abundantly endowed in the matters of the body; for his organs were compounded with and suited to the impulses of his spirit, so that as soon as he decided to do a thing, it was done. As for education, he was not immersed in it nor was he totally lacking, but he was rather provincial, insofar as he was rather quick-tempered, and the savagery and wildness of his temper had not been tamed and subdued by reason.
Greek Original:*ai)liano/s: ou(=tos e)pi\ *ou)a/lentos e)strath/ghsen. h)=n de\ e)k *sue/drwn, e)leu/qeros a)/gan, kai\ a)nesthkw\s e)k paido\s th\n yuxh\n geno/menos a)fqo/nws e)xorhgh/qh ta\ peri\ tou= sw/matos: ta\ ga\r o)/rgana sunepeph/gei kai\ e)ne/trexe toi=s th=s yuxh=s kinh/masin, w(/sq' a(/ma ti pra=cai e)de/dokto kai\ e)pe/prakto. kai\ paidei/as ou)/te e)nto\s h)=n ou)/te a)/moiros, a)ll' h)=n a)groiko/teros, o(/son qumoeide/steros, kai\ to\ qhriw=des tou= qumou= kai\ a)/grion ou)k e)chme/rwto kai\ katei/rgasto u(po\ tou= lo/gou.
Eunapius fr. 36 FHG (4.27), Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 35.
omicron 764: reigned 364-378.
[2] Repeated at
sigma 1316. Syedra was a city on the coast of
Isauria (SE Turkey, in present-day terms):
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v.; Barrington Atlas map 66 grid A4. Those Greek authors who use the toponym treat it, variously, as neuter plural (as here) and feminine singular.
[3] cf. already
alpha 2329.
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 February 2003@23:38:34.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added notes; augmented keywords) on 8 February 2003@09:54:02.
Catharine Roth (cosmetic) on 8 February 2003@21:58:36.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 18 April 2011@01:12:56.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 14 May 2012@09:24:46.
Aaron Baker (Modified translation; changed "Suedra" to "Syedrae.") on 28 March 2015@00:04:08.
David Whitehead (tweaked the toponym again, and expanded the note on it) on 25 November 2015@11:20:42.
No. of records found: 1
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