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Search results for alpha,994 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,994
Translated headword: hearer and to hear
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. This noun and verb mean, respectively] the learner and to learn.[1]
Damascius [writes]: "he heard words [which were] aged and tempered by a certain wisdom".[2]
Also [sc. attested is the related noun]
a)kroama/twn ["of things heard"],[3] that is of things listened to.
"And this aspect of public life persists among them even now, just like some other of the things heard, pipe or lyre, for the sake of delight and gratification".[4]
Greek Original:*)akroath\s kai\ *)akroa=sqai: o( maqhth\s kai\ to\ manqa/nein. *dama/skios: o( de\ h)kroa=to lo/gwn geghrako/twn kai\ sofi/a| tini\ kekrame/nwn. kai\ *)akroama/twn, toute/stin a)kousma/twn. kai\ diame/nei kai\ nu=n par' au)toi=s politeuo/menon to\ pra=gma, w(/sper a)/llo ti tw=n a)kroama/twn, au)lo\s h)\ kiqa/ra, te/ryews e(/neka kai\ yuxagwgi/as.
[1] For the verb see already
alpha 993.
Life of Isidore fr. 58 Zintzen (28 Asmus).
[3] Genitive plural, presumably extracted from the quotation which follows.
[4] Julian,
Oration 7 (206A).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; meter and music; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 March 2000@21:42:56.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 26 January 2001@05:08:46.
David Whitehead (added keyword; restorative and other cosmetics) on 5 June 2002@07:44:53.
David Whitehead (more notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 31 January 2012@07:31:54.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 27 April 2012@23:38:06.
Catharine Roth (added title) on 15 May 2015@02:02:35.
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