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Adler number: alpha,984
Translated headword: lack of judgment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] misjudgment; bad judgment.[1]
Libanius [says]: "accordingly, there is bad judgment in both our approaches, but mine has a certain benevolence."[2]
And another by way of humor.[3] "When a certain woman named Danae was responding reluctantly to a lawsuit, a wiseacre said to her, 'You, too, undergo judgment; for you are not Danae the daughter of Acrisius.'"[4]
Greek Original:*)akrisi/a: h( a)diakrisi/a: h( kakh\ kri/sis. kai\ *liba/nios: ou)kou=n a)krisi/a me\n e)n a)mfoi=n: e)/xei de/ tina tou)mo\n filanqrwpi/an. kai\ a)/llo kata\ metriasmo/n. gunaiko/s tinos, *dana/hs o)/noma, duspeiqw=s pro/s tina di/khn a)pantw/shs, sofo/s tis pro\s au)th\n a)pefqe/gcato: kri/qhti kai\ su/: ou)k ei)= *dana/h h( *)akrisi/ou quga/thr.
[1] Compare generally
alpha 472 a)dia/kritos. LSJ entry at web address 1.
Epistle 19.7.
[3] The noun
metriasmo/s is attested only here, but its meaning cannot be in doubt; cf. LSJ s.v.
[4] From Lucian,
Demonax 47. The humor lies in the possibility of interpreting "Acrisius" as "the man of bad judgment" or "the man who is not judged." Danae was the daughter of the Acrisius of
alpha 986 below; cf.
delta 57, where this anecdote reappears.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; ethics; law; mythology; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 8 July 2000@15:31:38.
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