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Search results for alpha,973 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,973
Translated headword: fresh
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Some help arrives and, being fresh, it gave much impetus, to the Romans toward discouragement, but to the barbarians toward encouragement."[1]
That is fit for service, whole.[2]
Greek Original:*)akraifnh/s: boh/qeia/ tis paragi/netai, kai\ a)kraifnh\s ginome/nh pollh\n e)poi/hse th\n r(oph\n, toi=s me\n *(rwmai/ois e)pi\ to\ a)qumo/teron, toi=s de\ barba/rois e)pi\ to\ eu)qumo/teron. toute/sti dunath\n, o(lo/klhros.
LSJ entry at web address 1.
cf. generally
alpha 971,
alpha 972,
alpha 974.
[1] Quotation -- transmitted, according to Adler, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti -- unidentifiable. This passage was at one time attributed to
Polybius by Casaubon, and endorsed by Ursinus (Fulvio Orsini, 1529-1600), but not accepted as reflecting Polybian style by Dindorf (Büttner-Wobst, p. 528). Büttner-Wobst does in fact doubt the attribution to
Polybius (ibid.).
[2] From the
scholia to
Thucydides 1.19, where the headword occurs (of an alliance).
T. Büttner-Wobst, ed., Polybii Historiae, vol. IV, (Leipzig, 1904)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 4 May 2000@00:13:46.
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