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Adler number: alpha,946
Translated headword: Akko, Acco
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A woman lampooned for her stupidity. They say that when she was looking in a mirror once she began a conversation with her own reflection, as though it were someone else. This is the origin of the [verb] to
akko-ize.[1] They say that she also knocked in a peg with a sponge.[2]
Greek Original:*)akkw/: gunh\ e)pi\ mwri/a| diaballome/nh, h(/n fasin e)noptrizome/nhn th=| i)di/a| ei)ko/ni w(s e(te/ra| diale/gesqai. o(/qen kai\ to\ a)kki/zesqai. tau/thn fasi\ kai\ spo/ggw| pa/ttalon krou/ein.
Zenobius 1.53 and other paroemiographers.
[1] cf.
alpha 878 (where in fact the principal idea is the pretence, rather than the reality, of stupidity etc.; see also LSJ s.v.).
[2] cf.
sigma 953. Since
pa/ttalos ('peg') is a euphemism for the
membrum virile, a sexual connotation is not to be excluded, but there is no trace of it in other attestations of the phrase "pound a peg with a sponge", which is generally applied to efforts that are doomed to failure; cf.
Mantissa Proverbiorum 2.88,
Epistle 2.20.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; comedy; daily life; definition; proverbs; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 23 April 2001@07:23:42.
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