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Headword: *)akou/w
Adler number: alpha,939
Translated headword: I listen
Vetting Status: high
[Used] with a genitive, but [sc. also] with an accusative. "Everyone who listens to these words of mine."[1] Also, "he who listens to my word and does not believe."[2] That is, [he who] is taught. Because I listen, if it means I understand and I learn, is used with an accusative; but if [it means] I hear with the ears alone, [it is used] with a genitive. And an example of the I learn [sense] [is] the [phrase] of Gregory the Theologian: "listen to the word of a man fully educated in such things."[3] Also in the Apologetica: "this weighed me down and persuaded me it was better to listen to the sound of praise than to be the interpretor of things beyond my ability."[4] On the other hand [here is] an example of the I hear [sense] from the same theologian. "Since I myself listened to [ = was a student of] a certain man fully educated in such things".[5] And very many others [sc. could be cited].
Greek Original:
*)akou/w: genikh=|, ai)tiatikh=| de/. pa=s o(/stis a)kou/ei mou tou\s lo/gous tou/tous. kai\, o( a)kou/wn to\n lo/gon mou kai\ mh\ pisteu/wn. toute/sti didasko/menos. o(/ti to\ a)kou/w, ei) me\n shmai/nei to\ punqa/nomai kai\ manqa/nw, meta\ ai)tiatikh=s sunta/ssetai: ei) de\ to\ e)nwti/zomai toi=s w)si\ mo/nois, meta\ genikh=s. kai\ tou= me\n manqa/nw para/deigma to\ tou= qeolo/gou *grhgori/ou: a)kou/sate lo/gon a)ndro\s ou) metri/ws ta\ toiau=ta pepaideume/nou. kai\ e)n tw=| *(/htthmai: tou=to/ me i(/sth ka/tw, kai\ ei)=nai be/ltion e)/peiqe fwnh\n a)kou/ein ai)ne/sews h)\ e)chghth\n ei)=nai tw=n u(pe\r du/namin. tou= de\ e)nwti/zomai para/deigma tou= au)tou= qeolo/gou. w(s de\ e)gw/ tinos h)/kousa a)ndro\s ou) metri/ws ta\ toiau=ta pepaideume/nou. kai\ a)/lla plei=sta.
[1] Matthew 7:24. Thus far, the entry is paralleled in syntactical lexica.
[2] John 5:24.
[3] Gregory of Nazianzus (PG 35.705c).
[4] Gregory of Nazianzus (PG 35.484a).
[5] Quotation unidentifiable (whether in Gr. Naz., or elsewhere).
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 March 2001@19:01:22.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 June 2002@09:27:30.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; more keywords; betacoding and other cosmetics) on 27 January 2012@05:41:53.
David Whitehead (further modifications to tr; another note) on 27 January 2012@06:05:30.
David Whitehead on 13 May 2015@11:04:35.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 May 2015@23:51:48.


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