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Headword: *)akou/ei kalw=s
Adler number: alpha,937
Translated headword: has a fine hearing
Vetting Status: high
Meaning [he/she/it] is well spoken of. Thus Herodotus [sc. uses the phrase].[1]
[It is recorded] that hearing happens not by the entrance of the outside air into the ear, but by the contact of the air contained in the ears; the proof of this is that we can also hear in water, although water does not go into the ears. For if it did, it would destroy and force out the air contained in our ears, which permits hearing, and would immediately hinder the very contact of the membrane with the impression [of sound]; and moreoever by staying in the cavities [of the ears] it would destroy and hinder the sensory facility. And hence were many men hindered [from hearing].[2]
Look under meninx ["membrane"] further concerning hearing.[3]
Greek Original:
*)akou/ei kalw=s: a)nti\ tou= eu)fhmei=tai. ou(/tws *(hro/dotos. o(/ti to\ a)kou/ein gi/netai ou) kat' ei)/sodon tou= e)kto\s a)e/ros ei)s to\ ou)=s, a)lla\ kata\ a(fh\n pro\s to\n e)gkatw|kodomhme/non a)e/ra e)n toi=s w)si/: tou/tou de\ tekmh/rion to\ kai\ e)n u(/dati a)kou/ein h(ma=s, ou)k ei)sio/ntos tou= u(/datos ei)s to\ ou)=s. ei) ga\r ei)se/lqoi, fqei/rei me\n kai\ e)cwqei= to\n e)gkatw|kodomhme/non a)e/ra, o(\s u(phretei= th=| a)koh=|, a)me/sws de\ th=s mh/niggos a(pto/menon bla/ptei au)th\n th=| plhgh=|: kai\ prose/ti e)napome/non e)n tai=s koilo/thsi fqei/rei kai\ bla/ptei to\ ai)sqhth/rion. polloi\ ou)=n e)nteu=qen e)bla/bhsan. zh/tei e)n tw=| mh/nigc platu/teron peri\ th=s a)koh=s.
[1] Same material in Photius and other lexica. In fact this exact phrase does not occur in Herodotus, but for close equivalents see 2.173.2, 6.86.a2, 7.16.a2, 8.93.1.
[2] Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 367.7-13 Hayduck.
[3] mu 952.
Keywords: definition; historiography; medicine; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 25 April 2001@12:41:33.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 26 April 2001@05:29:17.
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note; restorative cosmetics) on 4 June 2002@09:10:18.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 January 2012@05:32:53.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 May 2015@23:48:05.


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