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Search results for alpha,935 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,935
Translated headword: barley-fed, grain-fed
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[[Like] barley-fed] mules on account of laziness and satiety."[1]
The linguists [write] kriqiw/sais ["grain-fed"]; for akostai is what they call krithai and take [the word] from akos, "cure"; that is, rest from hunger and thirst. But Aristonicus [sc. construes it as] those who are in distress [achos]. At any rate he cites: "[as the barley-fed horse] might break his halter and run stamping over the plain."[2] But some [sc. understand it as] full to the brim.
Greek Original:*)akostw/sais h(mio/nois di' a)rgi/an kai\ plhsmonh/n. oi( me\n glwssogra/foi kriqiw/sais: a)kosta\s ga\r le/gein ta\s kriqa\s a)po\ tou= a)/kos lamba/nein, toute/stin a)na/pausin limou= kai\ di/yhs. o( de\ *)aristo/nikos e)n a)/xei genome/nais. ei)/ ge e)pife/rei: desmo\n a)porrh/cas qei/h| pedi/oio kroai/nwn. tine\s de\ a)/dhn plhrwqei/s.
The headword, a dative plural, is part of the first quotation given.
[1] Julian,
Letter 36.
Iliad 6.507 (web address 1 below); cf.
alpha 934 for the preceding line, and
kappa 2457.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; medicine; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 23 March 2001@17:05:53.
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